Friday, September 25, 2020

McChurch Soundroom - Delusion. 1971 Switzerland

One of the most prized Krautrock albums from a collector's standpoint. McChurch Soundroom were one of the early albums on Pilz, before the label became a bastion of Germanic folk psych. You won't find a more dedicated and enthusiastic fan of classic 70's Krautrock than moi, but even for a biased cheerleader like me, this album has to rank as a slight disappointment. In the end, it's pretty much basic UK styled heavy rock, with some flute and a few progressive rock moves. Rather generic overall, and certainly puzzling how it's gained such a lofty reputation.

Former ownership: LP: 2015 Ohrwaschl. Online purchase (2020). Straight up reproduction of the original gatefold with a xerox of the original Pilz hype sheet. 

Originals are super expensive, and the most sought after original LP on the legendary Pilz label. It was never reissued on LP by Pop Import like most Pilz albums in the 1980s were. Ohrwaschl owns the reissue market here and the album is basically in production.  Nowadays you can get the LP in your favorite color, presumably to match with your latest Smart Phone. Ay-yi-yi. 

1997; 11/12/16 (review); 9/25/20 (update new entry)

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...