Friday, October 16, 2020

LP Roundups

In what has to be the craziest thing I've done yet -  I'm buying mainstream, garden variety LPs. In some cases replacing the CD's.... that originally replaced the LPs!

Why would I do that? Well partly because I'm insane. But the other reason is more prosaic - I'm already out there digging for obscurities, rarities, unknowns (and God forbid, something for my collection) - so I might as well grab the regular rock albums as well. They usually sell well, so if I don't like it, they move quickly. They only replace the CDs that are also commodities,  not the ones that have great liner notes and bonus tracks (in those cases, it's a supplement). Many times, these LPs are in nicer condition than what I sold off some 25 years ago. I didn't originally take care of my collection when I was a kid. That all came later in high school and early college. And especially later on.

Looking for a place to jot down some notes for me to reference. Not everything I will keep, and that will be obvious from my notes. Most of you will know the music I'm referring to, so it's just one more idiot's opinion that you can read at your leisure. Perhaps a dose of humor will be included.

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