Sunday, September 20, 2020

UMR week of Sep 20

And then.... he went silent.

Many moving parts in the last month. Sure, there was the usual work issues. It was a great month for my career, so no complaints. My efforts contributed directly to the news in the last 2 weeks. If you know who I work for, and you Google the company, then it will become apparent what I've been doing. 

Then there was the jury duty saga. Oh boy, is that a story. It only lasted one day, but it was this close to lasting 3 months to a year! That would have been the end of me.

And then finally, I've been reassessing my collection in depth. Primarily the CDs. Just too much here, and it's time to start letting go. I love my CD collection, but there's too much dead weight. And there's no more space. Contrarily, the LP collection continues to grow. Always looking for that "best" copy as well.

Anyway, threw out a couple of unknowns here for you to learn about, that I had prepared a month ago. There's so many great 45s I have to share with you all, and I will be getting back to that shortly.  The unknown blog will be kicking off soon too. And the collection cleanup project has been nonstop - so lots to report there as well.

I probably will go back to adding as I go, and dropping the weekly format. I'll keep these rambling free-associating notes going though...

See ya soon.

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...