Monday, June 11, 2012

Cuprum - Musica Deposita. 2011 Czech Republic

With Cuprum what you get is good old fashioned hard rock meets progressive with loads of fuzzy guitar, Hammond organ and a little flute. Sure, it's retro 1971 England or Germany, and a sound you've heard from other modern bands like Wicked Minds (Italy), Seid (Norway), Siena Root (Sweden), Blood Ceremony (Canada), Hypnos 69 (Belgium) and a few others. But the Czech Republic has no such tradition, and hearing this style performed with the Czech language is quite interesting indeed. About the only band from 1970's Czechoslovakia that even came close to this sound was Flamengo and maybe Modry Efekt - both groups only at their most hard rocking selves. The songs for the most part are quite compelling, even though it does possess that been-there-done-that feeling. I think if Cuprum expands their instrumental palette, adds a few more ideas per composition, navigates the twisty road and turns on a dime capriciously and truly does "go for the gusto", then they will hit Masterpiece status. Even as it stands, I'm quite happy with what they accomplished on this most extraordinary debut.

Ownership: CD: 2011 private

6/11/12 (new entry)

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