Monday, June 11, 2012

J.E.T. - Fede, Speranza, Carità. 1972 Italy

There are few albums that open as strong as this one. The 11 minute title track is right there with the absolute best of the original Italian progressive rock movement - say primo Il Balletto di Bronzo. FAY DAY, SPA RAN ZA, CA REE TA leads right into the first couple of incredible minutes of 'Il Prete e il Peccatore' and then… ugh… the album breaks into a more typical Italian singer songwriter style. Well not exactly as dire as that, but the intensity of the first 13 minutes is never regained. This album usually gets listed as a disappointment by many because of this trend, but I think a lot of that has to do with the expectations that were delivered early on. I've always been partial to the dramatic 'Sinfonia Per un Re' and it sounds better now than ever (love those fuzz guitar solos and Hammond washes). And closer 'Sfogo' is a good - fun - energetic instrumental with wordless voices piece. Oh.............. but that first track - been listening to it for over 20 years and it still blows me away!!

Ownership: CD: 2005 BMG (Japan); LP: 1993 Si-Wan (Korea). The album was originally released with a die-cut textured chalice cover. The chalice itself is a pretty thick cardboard piece (I have a friend who owns a nice original copy). Missing from some online discographies is the next issue, which was both a CD and LP on the Crime label (each 1988 Japan). It is this 1988 issue that you'll commonly see two extra tracks for Side 2. These two tracks are both taken from a rare 45 and not on the original LP. I once owned this Japan CD, and can confirm. Also - the original LP does not list the final track 'Sfogo' on the back cover even though it's listed clearly on the label. The Japan LP from 1988 came with a perforated chalice, that you could detach yourself and paste into the gatefold. Obviously not the best option and doesn't truly replicate the original, but an interesting idea all the same. The 1993 LP from Si-Wan (Korea) features the original gimmix cover, but the cover is smooth and the chalice is a thin sliver not reminiscent of the original. It isn't until 2005 that the original LP is finally duplicated exactly with the thick chalice insert - in the mini-LP CD format from BMG (Strange Days), which I own as well.

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