Thursday, June 14, 2012

Anyone's Daughter - Adonis. 1979 Germany

The post-Genesis movement had gained some traction in Germany and Anyone's Daughter (named incongruously after a Deep Purple song from Fireball) was one of the more marquee groups to climb out of the scene (other more obscure references include Neuschwanstein, M.L. Bongers Project, Sirius, Ivory). Anyone's Daughter's music was one that had the good sense to watch the pop charts while infusing quite a bit of complication to the mix so as to maintain a certain musician integrity. Anyone's Daughter had anticipated the neo progressive movement by about 3 years, and actually did benefit financially (a little anyway) from the exposure, though they came at it from a right angle. 1980s era progressive catalogs would always include Anyone's Daughter as they were, along with Eloy, easily Germany's number #1 export in this category. Hoelderlin's Clowns and Clouds is another good benchmark. Adonis is a very good album and if you like the more melodic side of progressive rock, then Anyone's Daughter's debut should be considered a must for the collection.

LP: 1979 Brain
CD: 2010 Tempus Fugit / SPV

The Tempus Fugit CD is splendid. This CD, which restores the original cover art, features not only two lengthy extended progressive rock cuts that total close to 20 minutes ('The Taker', 'The Warship'), but also a cool video of the album opener. It also features a full-sized poster (from a cover they would later use for an album called Last Tracks), and a booklet with a full band history and unique photos. The second scan was the cover used for the first round of reissues.

Last listen: August 8, 2019

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