Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Quaterna Réquiem - Velha Gravura. 1990 Brazil

Quaterna Réquiem were one of the first bands of the late 1980s/early 90s progressive rock renaissance to review the works of the Mediterranean bands such as Quella Vecchia Locanda and Gotic, rather than the standard English "Big 3" of Genesis, Yes, and ELP. As such, their in-depth research of 1970's progressive rock adds a dimension sorely missing from most works of this time frame. Quaterna Réquiem performs a new interpretation of a much missed genre of music - what was once known as "Euro Rock". And the only thing keeping Quaterna Réquiem from classic "retro prog" status, that which is all the rage in 2000+, is the lack of analog keyboard instrumentation. But the compositions, skillful playing, and youthful exuberance carry the day here, so that Hammond organs and mellotrons are hardly necessary. A very fine work from a band that dissolved all too quickly in its original form.

Ownership: CD: 1992 Faunus

My original copy was the LP purchased upon release. It was an easy decision to switch it out for the CD not long after.

1990; 1/8/13 (new entry)

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