Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lumerians - Transmissions From Telos Vol. 4. 2012 USA-California

Being the eternal packaging loons that the Lumerians are, they decided to put a mirror image on the different LP covers, so the bird faces a different way on each. The cover above is the French version, since that's all they have on RYM and I'm way too lazy to upload the version on Permanent. Oh, the US version is on white vinyl and the French one is beige. This band loves their packaging details that's for sure.

Putting the baseball card aspect aside for a moment, what about the music? As I'd read prior, this album is indeed more loose in structure. It features 4 long jams, that are untitled. "I mean, that's such a square thing to do man... who names songs anymore? They have no meaning anyway, ya know." Side 1 contains three songs. The first is within their trademark motorik territory, recalling the Can/Neu! sound. Track 2 is really interesting, like a freakbeat 1960's track gone amok. You can just picture the Girl in the Cage dancing her brains out, with the psychedelic liquid light show flashing chaotically behind. Track 3 is the real revelation here. For the first time that I can ever recall, a band has successfully attempted the Middle Eastern psychedelic jamming of Agitation Free's "Malesch". For that alone, the album should be held in high regard. Pounding drums, hand percussion, haunting organ atmospheres, with synthesizer solos laid on top. Breathtaking. What a sublime track! Unfortunately the momentum stops on the side long track for the flip side. I can appreciate a jam with focus, but this one just meanders aimlessly with far too much noise and chaos to have any impact. Such a shame to not capitalize on the fantastic first side. Still a recommended album - just not as much as the potential suggests.

Ownership: LP: 2012 Permanent

1/30/13 (new entry)

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