Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dasputnik - Parapsykosis. 2009 Finland

Dasputnik are an energetic and tight Ozric Tentacles styled space rock band, with furious guitar leads, synthesizers, a crack rhythm section and melodic sax. This latter element is a real differentiator from the pack. Up there with other great Finnish bands like Hidria Spacefolk and Taipuva Luotisuora. Also catching a vibe from the Hungarian Korai Orom in their more kinetic sequences. This album is awesome.

Highlights: 1. Hzz (10:31); 2. Electromagnetolithic Experience (7:13); 6. Space in India (11:22)

Ownership: CD: 2009 Art Safari

7/27/11 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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