Saturday, January 19, 2013

Shaa Khan - The World Will End on Friday. 1978 Germany

Before Sky became an almost exclusively electronic label, they experimented a bit with symphonic progressive rock. Shaa Khan, Octopus, and Ramses are three of their most known bands in this specialty area of music. Shaa Khan is yet another laid back German progressive rock band. Bands like Novalis, Jane, Eloy, and Grobschnitt were huge influences in their day and Shaa Khan draws directly from this well. Of course Pink Floyd must be also mentioned in this context, simply to note their global influence at the time. The English vocals are awkward, a feeble attempt at performing both a Peter Gabriel and/or David Gilmour style. Nice guitar leads, copious mellotron/Hammond organ use, and the album features five long compositions, so an easy recommendation to traditional progressive rock fans. File along with Faithful Breath, Indigo, Pancake, Fly, Minotaurus, Albatros, and a host of others from the late 1970s German scene.

Interesting to note that Conny Plank would have agreed to produce this, had they chosen the German language. As such, it was recommended they record with Dieter Dierks, who was recording The Scorpions' Taken By Force at the same time. Apparently some spirited soccer matches between the bands occurred during the recordings.

Ownership: CD: 2009 Sireena. Digipak. Booklet contains history in both English and German, with photos. No bonus tracks.

10/4/07 (first listen); 1/19/13 (review / new entry)

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...