Friday, February 14, 2025

Warlord ~ USA ~ Los Angeles, California

Deliver Us (1983)

Seems I'm running a metal blog lately... just the way the albums are coming in I guess.

In any case, I have read about Warlord for years, figured they were my kind of metal, but just never got around to buying or listening to their albums. Oh yes - this is definitely my kind of metal. Highly melodic, heavy (but not overtly so), bordering progressive rock at times. Sounds more like a proggy hard rock band coming of age in 1980, so 1983 is a bit late for their sound. But not their music. They were pioneering the epic metal genre along with Manilla Road, Brocas Helm, and Cirith Ungol. Did I mention they have a full time keyboardist? Keyboards were rare in metal during this era. The singer is brilliant. Makes you wonder why more metal bands didn't go this route. Certainly Rob Halford and Bruce Dickinson were excellent role models, yet many bands chose the scream or grunt route. Every song on Deliver Us is a delight, and many rewards await the patient listener.

In case you didn't think you knew Warlord, this is where Fates Warning drummer Mark Zonder began his career.

Ownership: 1983 Metal Blade (LP)

2/13/25 (review)

2/14/25 (new entry)


  1. A classic at the era that still holds solidly! They were very popular in Greece.

    1. Yes - it seems Greece really took a shine to Epic Metal in general. Many reissues from there and newer bands operating in that genre. It's a personal favorite style of mine too. :-)


Titan ‎~ USA ~ Brooklyn, New York

Titan (2006) Titan is an interesting band. They released only three albums with the middle one being the piece de resistance. They closed of...