Thursday, July 18, 2024

Emerge - Now! 2006 USA-California

Emerge's debut CD is exactly the type of album I look for while haunting the thrift shops. It was over two years ago when I found this with some other intriguing jazz rock / fusion CDs. Some I kept, others I sold. But this one had no provenance so I stuck it in a pile of unknowns that I planned to review. I do this a lot - have projects ready to go - and yet never actually get around to doing them. Finally I'm plowing through a large pile of CDs just sitting here from buys going as far back as 2016.

Oakland's Emerge is unknown - but not really. This is one of the most hidden-in-plain-sight albums that I've run into in a long time. It's not in Discogs, nor RYM. But the label website is still going strong, some 18 years after this release. As well as a Facebook page that is active. Supposedly the label "reissued" this album in 2015. Hard to imagine there was that much demand in the first place. Where are all the existing original copies?

I could tell the tale above for many albums I find, but the music doesn't warrant the prelude. Now! obviously does. On the surface Emerge are nothing more than your garden variety guitar fronted jazz rock trio with competent lightly amplified six strings and funky rhythms. All well and good, but not enough to find room in my collection. That space is long occupied. You have to bring something else to get my attention.

And that's where this review has been going. The tone that Peter Jong Chang obtains here is absolutely delicious. We're talking heavy fuzz tone right out of the 1971 cookbook. He doesn't wail everywhere, but when he plugs in and gets the effects going - look out! A very unusual sound for the middle 2000's. This isn't the overamplified stoner sound of modern metal, no no, this is something from the 70s analog past. On most tracks, Chang savors the moment and unleashes his fury in the middle or end of the song. But if you want a stiff drink up front, go for 'Pipeline' which will get your attention quickly.

Ownership: CD: 2006 Station of Dreams. Jewel case. Four page booklet with recording details. Found at a thrift shop (2022).

7/18/24 (first listen / review / new entry)

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