Thursday, September 7, 2023

Djam Karet - The Ritual Continues. 1987 USA-California

For the Reflections from the Firepool album I wrote: " where Djam Karet went pro. Prior, their releases had been more jam oriented, with far less focus on composition and melody. It's also the album where I was first introduced to this fine long running band from California.... (to set the context) one must go back to 1989... On the music front, after years of dormancy, the psychedelic guitar was being brought back to prominence. Djam Karet, along with Tangle Edge and Ozric Tentacles were leading the charge and using the instrument not just as an accent, but rather as a focal point. This wasn't the 80s indie rock / neo psych hybrid that was popular with the post New Wave crowd, on the contrary, these new groups had in mind Ash Ra Tempel, Amon Duul II, and Gong - along with other such great bands from the early 1970s."

After purchasing the CD of the above album I immediately went back to the mail order dealer and acquired the tape of its predecessor, which is the album of today's discussion. That tape is slightly different than the CD I now possess (which wasn't released until 1993), but essentially is similar from a musical perspective. This album captures Djam Karet going from the raw jams of their debut tape No Commercial Potential to the relatively composed Reflections from the Firepool. Opener 'Shamen's Descent' is arguably the finest track here, mixing the exotic psychedelic jam with progressive rock complexity. 'Technology and Industry' is another highlight. If you do have the CD, then you'll be treated to the most Krautrock oriented song in 'Tangerine Rabbit Jam' performed by Happy Cancer, who is Djam Karet's direct ancestor. Some of the album can meander a bit, but it's in the spirit of naïve exploration, a most welcome trait in an era that frowned on such activity. Had this been a newer release, I wouldn't be overly enthused, but given its place in history, I feel the album deserves much praise. An enjoyable album throughout and one of America's pioneers of new psychedelic oriented music.

Ownership: CD: 1993 HC. Jewel case release with two bonus tracks from Happy Cancer and one extended rerecording that was new to this issue. Not exactly sure when I replaced the original tape, but probably in the mid 90s. That tape does feature some unique material not on the CD.

1989; 12/1/14; 9/7/23 (new entry)

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