Friday, June 9, 2023

Mini - Vissza a Városba. 1978 Hungary

Mini were a band from Hungary that had been kicking around for many years before finally getting an album out. Apparently their earlier recordings are more rough and ready styled hard rock and prog. Some of these archival recordings are available on a CD that I haven't heard yet, but will track down eventually. By the time they did get to the studio, fusion was all the rage in eastern Europe. Mini also throws in a couple of classic rock tracks, trying to be hip by western standards, and ends up sounding like a caricature of a bunch of nerds doing similar (the picture insert tells you all you need to know). No matter, the funky fusion makes up for the clumsiness. Well, even here, the band is awkward in their approach, but that's what makes this album so endearing. The funky flute parts are really great. The track 'Sounds and Signals from an Unidentified Flying Object' has to be heard to be believed. Wow - great stuff, so disorienting. This is one of those albums that isn't objectively very good, but subjectively it's awesome. I love off the wall albums such as this.

Ownership: LP: 1978 Pepita. Single sleeve. Recent acquisition from a fellow collector friend (2023). This is the "export" version which means it comes with a large postcard with English translations, which really comes in handy with track names like 'Hangok És Jelek Egy Nem-Azonosított Repülő Tárgyról' (see above review for a hint). Yep - Hungarian is impenetrable for us Indo-European speakers. To the best of my knowledge, Mini translates to... Mini. If you want this on CD, you'll have to buy the 4 CD set (2018) that includes their later albums. Given how goofy this album is, I might try for that someday...

6/9/23 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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