Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Witchfinder General - Death Penalty. 1982 England

Witchfinder General's debut is one of the oddities of the NWOBHM movement. While most bands took the Judas Priest footprint and merged it with the energy of punk, Witchfinder General found their inspiration in Black Sabbath. And they pretty much nail it. Sabbath were still an active concern, but this isn't emulated after the Dio fronted group, but rather a lookback to the Ozzy days. It's relatively straightforward but has better songwriting than the last 2 with Osbourne, recalling Sabotage without the proggy elements. What's great about Death Penalty is that each track features breaks which contain at least 2 or more riffs. A classic of its kind, Witchfinder General ironically were ahead of their time while looking backwards to obtain their sound.

Ownership: LP: 1982 Heavy Metal Records. Single sleeve. Clear vinyl. Acquired at a record store in Kansas City while there for a buddy's wedding (1993).

This Heavy Metal Records is not to be confused with Heavy Metal Worldwide, which was also operating out of the UK at this time. The cover is really silly and should not be taken seriously. On a positive note it features Joanne Latham, a very well known "glamour model" in her day - and she certainly does capture the imagination. However in today's cancel culture world, the album most assuredly has already been declared "encouraging violence against women". If you're interested in owning it, get your copy now, because they will likely be banned for sale in the next decade. Don't believe me? You watch. Discogs has already banned the selling of certain albums for less offenses.

9/9/93; 9/13/22 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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