Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Cloven Hoof. 1984 England

Cloven Hoof's debut is my kind of NWOBHM. One of those quirky all-over-the-place releases that seemingly have no rhyme or reason. All within the confines of late 70s hard rock and early 80s metal. This was an era of great invention, but strictly in the underground. Somewhat like Legend in that way. Cloven Hoof were about 2 years too late to capture the audience they needed. By 1984, thrash was the name of the game, and antiquated pseudo proggy heavy bands were being pushed to the sidelines. Had I discovered this real time, most assuredly I would have considered this one of the greatest metal albums in my collection. 38 years later, I finally heard it. Never too late. Looking for the interesting side of the NWOBHM movement? Listen to Cloven Hoof.

Ownership: LP: 1984 Neat. Single sleeve with lyric inner. One more from my local seller friend. This will be the last one I cover until the next round of new arrival LPs. I still have a few Anthem's and Axewitch's, and hopefully a bunch of new acquisitions from him by then too.

9/13/22 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...