Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Crypt Sermon - Out of the Garden. 2015 USA-Pennsylvania

Sometime in 1989, while standing in line at the grocery store, my eyes fixated on a new novel called Foucault's Pendulum by the Italian author Umberto Eco, who I was unfamiliar with even though he already had a best seller with Name of the Rose. I've never been a book-of-the-week kind of guy, but the premise was highly intriguing. And it introduced me to the world of Medieval secret orders, namely The Knights Templar, a topic I continue to be fascinated by. I find it humorous that I was introduced to such a weighty topic in the Tom Thumb grocery store line. Right next to The National Enquirer and packs of gum.

Not long prior to this discovery, I had also been introduced to a new metal band from Sweden called Candlemass. They played in a style called "doom metal", and it seemed to be a direct response to the era's preferred fast approach including speed metal and thrash. Calling upon classic Black Sabbath, but with a modern sense of heaviness and lyrical content, Candlemass blew the dust off of the 70s in a most exciting way.

Crypt Sermon is the combination of those two late 80s personal discoveries. When I first saw the LP, I asked the record store owner what kind of music it was, and that cinched it for me. It reminded me of first discovering Manilla Road's Crystal Logic in 1983 - no way a cover like that would house anything but an interesting record. And I was rewarded with a fine album in the doom metal space. I'm not too keen on the funereal side of the genre and prefer some crunchy mid paced riffing, and that's precisely what Out of the Garden provides. Vocals are more matter-of-fact than the operatic Candlemass style, but otherwise the comparison holds true. If any of what I said above resonates, you'll want to grab this one.

Ownership: LP: 2019 Dark Descent. Single sleeve with cool insert of Medieval paintings. Silver vinyl. The label is based in my current hometown of Colorado Springs, and the record store that Purple Peak Records partners with (What's Left Records) also works directly with the label. So that's how I was introduced... 

11/17/20 (new entry)


  1. I agree. Great exercise in the Candlemass/Solitude Aeternus stylings. "The Ruins Of Fading Light" is even better, one of the best heavy releases from 2019.

    1. Great! I think that same store has it in stock (or can get it). I'm going to grab it later in the week.


Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...