Saturday, January 18, 2020

Quad. 1997 England

Quad was a side project of Gary Ramon, basically exploring his more Krautrock preferences. In a lot of ways, Quad was to Gary Ramon/Sun Dial what Incredible Expanding Mindfuck was to Steven Wilson/Porcupine Tree. In effect what we have here is psychedelic chill out music. Plenty of great acid guitar and echoed sitars to submerse oneself in. Considering the female narration, one could qualify this as a modern day Galactic Supermarket or Rosi-era Ash Ra Tempel. An easy formula, but one that is hard to master to obtain the right atmosphere. An atmosphere that is rarely duplicated in these modern times.

Ownership: CD: 2005 Acme/Lion (USA). Purchased new online upon release. Has a full history of Gary Ramon and Sun Dial. First owned the original LP, but sold it when I obtained the CD to no regrets.

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