Saturday, January 18, 2020

Lethe. 1981 Netherlands

Lethe is the second incarnation of the band Mirror, and just as obscure unfortunately. Their sole album starts off rather inconspicuously with a classically oriented oboe, acoustic guitar and piano piece. Then, just like the Mirror album, the band launches into a sophisticated and highly melodic progressive rock form. And while Side 1 is good, side 2 is an absolute clinic on how to combine complexity and yet still maintain a strong melodic backbone, that recalls Finch on occasion. This is the album that Camel never made after Moonmadness. Astounding album really.

Ownership: LP: 1981 M.M.P. Single sleeve. Acquired from a Dutch mail order dealer (1997)

1997; 8/21/09 (CDRWL); 1/18/20 (new entry)

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UMR update

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