Monday, December 16, 2019

The Moving Sidewalks - The Complete Collection. 1967-1968 USA-Texas

The Moving Sidewalks were the Houston, Texas based psych band that gained fame later as the breeding ground for Billy Gibbons, he of ZZ Top fame. What becomes evident rather quickly is the influence of a one Jimi Hendrix, during the Experience years of course. There are photos of Hendrix and Gibbons together, and the former was known to have praised the latter's guitar work. It must have been quite the ego boost to be surrounded with such great company at an early age.

Flash would be their only album before ultimately disbanding and Gibbons forming ZZ Top. The music is a cross of high energy psychedelic with that of the blues, the latter being more the influence of Gibbon's next career. The album starts off incredible strong, but does wheeze out at the end with the somewhat traditional and lengthy 'Joe Blues', and the wacky and seemingly drug induced 'Eclipse' / 'Reclipse' segment.

Their singles were an indication of where the band was headed, and all are worthy as well. For example  'I Want to Hold Your Hand' is probably the last track from the Beatles' canon I would pick for a psych cover, but my goodness, did they absolutely destroy this track in effects - almost beyond recognition. Best version ever - at least that I've heard!


The Moving Sidewalks were the Houston based psych band that gained fame later as the breeding ground for a one Billy Gibbons, he of ZZ Top fame. 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' is probably the last track from the Beatles' canon I would pick for a psych cover, but my goodness, did they absolutely destroy this track in effects - almost beyond recognition. Best version ever - at least that I've heard!

'Joe's Blues' is a solid electric blues number, with excellent guitar and organ. And yes, the guitar here can be quite psychedelic sounding. It's the full 7+ minute version, so far beyond the usual single length. And yea sure, they do have the blues real bad. They got 'em. Yeaaa they do.

An incongruous single, but very good all the same.

CD: 2012 Rockbeat (The Complete Collection)

The CD (and 2LP) reissue is superb and collects everything The Moving Sidewalks - and precursor group The Coachmen - ever did. This includes alternate takes on both singles and album tunes. There are many great archival photos, and excellent discography information. What's strangely missing is an accompanying essay and/or historical notes. It's kind of baffling really. All the same, if the American late 1960s psych experience interests you, this collection is a can't miss acquisition.

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...