Friday, December 6, 2019

Group 1850 - Live on Tour. 1976 Netherlands

Live on Tour represents the last known recordings of the Dutch pioneering progressive rock ensemble Group 1850. The album is presented as a 5 course meal, though the opening serving does not indicate what is in store for the rest of the dining experience. 'Aperitive' is a solo piece by Peter Sjardin on his Organiser - sounding pretty similar to Sjardin's Changes album that we just spoke about. From there we find Group 1850 in a loose jammy mood. Mostly psychedelic influenced jazzy prog with a bit of a funky feel. This album proved once and for all that Group 1850 had no intention of ever selling out or trying to be relevant. Almost no one was doing music like this at such a late date, especially one with name recognition. They were pioneers at the beginning and they seemed to be on the distant and lonesome trail at the end. Clearly this is not the place to start your Group 1850 exploration. By itself, Live on Tour is a relatively harmless instrumental rock album. In context of the band's history, however, it becomes yet one more essential listen.

CD: 2019 Pseudonym

Part of the Purple Sky box set. Both of Group 1850's live albums were the only albums left from their discography to not have been reissued legally until this set came along. In addition to the full album, they also appended 3 previously unreleased jams from the 1975 tour: 'Friday I'm Free', 'Purple Sky', and '?!'. These three tracks are arguably the greatest songs in their entire canon, so a nice selection for bonus.

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...