Sunday, November 3, 2019

Splash - Ut på Vischan! / Back to Nature. 1972 Sweden

Splash started their career quite a bit differently than how they finished. On their debut, Ut På Vischan, one will hear a typical horn rock album very much modeled after Chicago or Blood, Sweat and Tears. Except it's sung in Swedish (always a favorite language here). Like most horn rock albums, there are some great instrumental charts offset by some more standard songcraft. Not one of the best horn rock albums you'll ever hear, but a very good entry all the same, and it sports a great cover as well.

Ah... but as we learn from the CD reissue box set, Ut på Vischan! was originally to be an English language album. And that would be Back to Nature. The music is very similar, not an exact copy, but this time sung in the language of the common music industry. Not sure why the change of heart at the end, perhaps Polydor knew the album wouldn't stretch beyond the local shores. Whatever the case, a great archival discovery for fans of the band.

CD: 2018 private

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