Thursday, November 28, 2019

Collegium Musicum - Collegium Musicum + Konvergencie. 1971 Slovakia

Collegium Musicum were from the former Czechoslovakia - now Slovakia - and were one of the earliest adopters of progressive rock in the region. Though from behind the Iron Curtain, where experimentalism was often discouraged, Collegium Musicum turned out to be one of the more wigged out acts from anywhere, anytime. You'll often read the band being compared to groups such as The Nice and Ekseption, but I'm not quite sure which albums by these bands they are hearing. Yes - of course - rocking the classics is more or less the basis for the group's compositions. But it's hardly cuddle up to the winter fire classical music. This is Shostakovich in a bad mood accelerated to 1970.

The debut is certainly the more predictable of the two albums, and can be a bit trite in places. But it's still radical with its long form jamming. Konvergencie is where the band releases the horses from the barn. Here's where the group recalls western European contemporaries such as Trikolon or Elluffant. And in more modern times, the band Steamboat Switzerland seemed to borrow the blueprint from this very album.

The 2 CD set from parent label Opus also includes the bands first single (which is 14 minutes in length (!)) 'Hommage à J. S. Bach' is a good representative of the debut album, whereas 'Ulica plná plášťov do dažďa' is arguably the best composition of the entire set. Here Collegium Musicum demonstrates their ability to be a more compact prog rock band.

Not an easy listen, and not always satisfying, but from an historical perspective it's quite extraordinary.

Ownership: CD: 1992 Opus. Purchased online in the late 90s. Great 2 CD set that includes all of their first 2 albums plus the aforementioned single. One interesting tidbit about the cover (shown): Note the cigarette - which is not found on the original.

11/28/19 (new entry)

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