Embryo's second album demonstrates a great leap forward from their more psychedelic debut. I do feel it's an album that remains unheralded, as to me it represents the perfect meeting of Krautrock angst, edgy jazz rock, and thought-out progressive rock composition. Embryo were clearly moving the valve from rock to jazz, and Embryo's Rache captures the band in transition, and it's absolutely perfect. I think any band would have a tough time recreating a sound like this, because it represents an evolution verse a greenfield. The opener 'Tausendfüßler' pretty much sums up the contents within considering it's staccato flute, driving bass, and wild keyboard solos. The latter is featured often, mostly from American jazz veteran Jimmy Jackson. Xhol Caravan alumni Hansi Fischer provides the flute, and long time Embryo collaborator Edgar Hoffman adds violin and sax. It's here that Roman Bunka and Christian Burchard layout the blueprint for Embryo's future. Every single note here is perfect for my tastes. Not too many people would claim Embryo's Rache to be the band's best effort (Steig Aus will generally stake that claim), but it certainly is mine. And to take it further - it's one of my all time favorite albums, period.

Ownership: LP: 1971 United Artists. Gatefold. Like many original LPs I own, I was fortunate to obtain my copy in 1988 from a local store (a short-lived place in Carrollton (Dallas area) known as Seldom Scene). The gatefold cover is super, with the jester and violin overlooking what one presumes to be a Spanish landscape (referring to the controversial anti-Franco track that opens side 2).
CD: 1993 Materli Sonori (Italy). Oddly the CD is the sole property of the Italian label Materli Sonori, and it's been repressed many times. Most of the other Embryo albums have been reissued by specialty labels, but one presumes Materli Sonori owns 100% of the rights to this album (good choice by them!). The CD is OK, with minimal information and tape hiss noise, though it does include a reunion effort from 1991 (that sounds every bit like some lost recording from 1971). I would certainly upgrade if the opportunity presents itself.
1//88; 10/11/19 (new entry)
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