Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hecenia - La Couleur du Feu. 1994 France

Hecenia's sophomore album La Couleur du Feu is exactly the type of progressive rock that has fallen out of favor with the cognoscenti. The sound and textures scream early 1990s technology. Vintage analog was out, and new shiny and bright was in. And while there are few among us who favors the old instruments of yore more than moi, I have no qualms in stating that I love the early 90s progressive rock renaissance. And La Couleur du Feu is one of the finest albums from that era. There are stunning piano driven melodies here, along with harp, and a hyperactive rhythm section. The all instrumental album is always on the move, and never a dull moment arrives. If Trilogy of Here It Is fame had continued on into the early 90's, La Couleur du Feu would be a reasonable facsimile of what we could have expected. A stunning album really, and an exponential leap from their awkward debut.

Ownership: CD: 1994 Musea

1994; 7/21/19 (new entry)

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UMR update

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