Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dschinn - s/t. 1972 Germany

Oooh. Dschinn (Genie), now here's an album I had no use for in my initial foray into Krautrock back in the mid to late 1980s. As I stated in my Dschinn Fizz (unrelated band) review, I bet my view on this original band with Dschinn in the name will have softened considerably. I've said it often in these pages, but it bears repeating, Krautrock means different things to different people. And Krautrock most assuredly did not mean hard rock to me!

With the super Dali cover art, a mysterious name like Dschinn, and an imprint on Bacillus from 1972, the results could only be stellar. I couldn't get away from this album fast enough. What is this? I cried. And the answer is - it's a hard rock album. Plain and simple. Not even any organ or other keyboards, like most bands from Germany at that time. Nope. Just guitar fronted in-yer-face hard rock with some bluesy overtones. Not a progressive rock moment to be found. Today I appreciate this kind of basic early 70s hard rock, more commonly found in England than Germany back then. It's a keeper now, but 30 years ago - no way.

LP: 1972 Bacillus

Scored a NM original recently for a fraction of going rates. With that cover and provenance, this one will stick around for quite some time.

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UMR update

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