Sunday, June 9, 2019

Quad - Live ICA June 1997. England

Quad was a side project of Gary Ramon's Sundial. The premise here is that Quad would take the neo psychedelic roots of Sundial and apply it more to a Krautrock styled sound. Their two proper albums are indeed quite excellent and do a fine job at recreating the atmosphere of a group such as Yatha Sidhra.

As far as I knew, those two albums were all they released. And even the second one is very tough to score given its limited edition. A few years ago I learned of a 3rd album, released only on CD-R. One can see why this wasn't a proper album. To be generous, I could say this was Ramon's homage to the electronic pioneers, such as Tangerine Dream circa Zeit or early Cluster. But mostly it's pretty dull to be honest, and could have used some more judicious editing and a few more ideas. But for fans of analog electronics, static as it may be, it's certainly worth seeking out for a listen.

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UMR update

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