Thursday, June 20, 2019

Massacre - s/t. 1989 Chile

Massacre's debut album is something very strange - for the era and the location (1989 Chile). If you don't get past the first song then you'd think that you'd stumbled onto some chugging metal album with Spanish vocals. 'Temblor del Cielo' follows with mellotron. OK then. A strange mix of thrash, heavy metal, screaming vocals, spacey keyboards (synthesizers, organ, mellotron), fusion, prog, and whatever else popped into their nutty heads. It's definitely progressive metal, but not in the way the term has come to mean. You couldn't be further away from Dream Theater than this. And of course they close with a metal cover of Los Jaivas' 'Todos Juntos'. Wow. Overall a gritty, odd, not always satisfying, but undeniably fascinating album. One of a kind, that's for sure.

LP: 1989 Oso
CD: 1998 Toxic

The original LP came out on Oso Records in 1989. I had it once, but sold it off (it was already rare in the 90s) when the CD came out. Now that CD is rare too... Easy to see why. Not a typical album.

CD sold: June 2019. Received too good an offer to pass up.

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UMR update

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