Monday, August 25, 2014

Mekong Delta - Visions Fugitives. 1994 Germany

Visions Fugitives followed the excellent Kaleidoscope, and it seemed the band just went off into the ether afterward. Even back then, the album received little promotion or accord, and few paid much attention to it. I managed to secure a reissue CD copy many years after the original release on the German label Zardoz (mind you I was a fan of the band at the time - so perhaps that underscores what I'm saying about how obscure the original release was
). The first opening two tracks could have easily been on Kaleidoscope, and 'Imagination' adds a very interesting psychedelic element here, not a sound commonly associated with aggressive metal. This is followed by the 6 part, 21 minute orchestrated suite. If you look back on Mekong Delta's career to this point, it would almost seem obvious this would be the conclusion of where they were headed. And while many fans shake their head in disgust, I think it's a fine addition to their catalog. I appreciate that the classical music isn't based on standards, but rather all the compositions are originally charted for this album. The Swedish band Therion would later take this concept to more grandiose heights, but Mekong Delta were pioneering this concept all the way back to the late 80s (sure, many a rock band did the same in the late 60s - but not in the thrash metal field had this been a common practice). Now one criticism that I also will get behind - is that there isn't really an orchestra! Oh for crying out loud - you write something for an orchestra than at least have one to perform it! Synthesizers aren't going to get it done. Oh well - I still appreciate the effort applied here, at least from a compositional perspective. Even if the long suite doesn't satisfy, 
Visions Fugitives closes nicely in the same fashion as the opening, complete with a psychedelic overtone added to the vocals, and acoustic guitar interludes. After this, Mekong Delta appeared to call it a day, seemingly accomplishing everything they had set out to do.

Ownership: CD: 2002 Zardoz

8/25/14 (new entry)

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