Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mekong Delta - In a Mirror Darkly. 2014 Germany

After 27 years, Mekong Delta keeps going at a high standard with In a Mirror Darkly, an album that sounds like a cross between its two studio predecessors Lurking Fear and 
Wanderer on the Edge of Time. The hyper complex technical thrash returns, but with a strong dash of accessible material as well. The opening two instrumentals recall their 2010 opus, as does the complex instrumental 'Inside the Outside of the Inside'. And there are a couple of more accessible vocal oriented progressive metal tunes here like 'The Sliver in Gods Eye' and 'Janus'. But for those looking for the heavier, more murky and mysterious trademarked Mekong Delta material, then 'The Armageddon Machine', 'Hindsight Bias', and 'Mutant Messiah' will certainly delight. As with Lurking Fear, these tracks should be heard on headphones only, as there are lot of ideas thrown out that will be only picked up with careful listen. There isn't any of the jaw dropping greatness of a track like 'The Apocalypt - World in Shards', but overall the album is an impressive listen. Mekong Delta, since their reformation, may have not regained the heights of their early 90s formation - but they have proven to be more consistent in their wizened old age. Let's hope they continue and ultimately surpass what they accomplished over 20 years ago.

Ownership: CD: 2014 Steamhammer

8/27/14 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...