Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Ebony Godfather (Joe Thomas) - Moog Fluting. 1974 USA

So imagine being an African American gentleman who plays the effeminate flute. You've played R&B, gospel, jazz, and everything in between. You have a dull name like Joe Thomas and you're pushing 40. And it's 1971. So what's a brother to do? Well duh, you pimp your look, sit next to a couple of hotties, and tell the world that you are - in fact - The Ebony Godfather. A little blaxploitation never hurt, eh? 3 years later, Thomas took it a step further and just called himself The Ebony Godfather. After this bit of silliness, and probably realizing he could have called himself The Black Tooth Fairy and no one would care, he took back his name... and, oh look, here comes disco.... and off Thomas went to make a few more bucks before calling it a career in the early 1980s.

But the moniker isn't the only curve ball here. Next up is the title. With a name like Moog Fluting, one would expect some Moog with your flute perhaps? Uh, no. In fact, I cannot for the life of me figure out the usage of the term Moog here. I've seen other reviews mention its use, but I don't hear it. Further, neither do the liner notes, which are old fashioned 60s styled jazz type back cover notes with much detail and hype quotes from media and industry veterans. In those notes, no mention of a Moog can be found. Maybe the name just sounded cool? I dunno.

And the music... well it's pretty much your regular instrumental jazz flute album with a rhythm section. Some originals, some cover tunes. On the same level as Herbie Mann and Hubert Laws, but this is no Chris Hinze album that's for sure. Certainly pleasant enough for the genre, with no real surprises, though 'Orcabessa' does open with promise.

LP: 1974 GRC

No reissues exist as I write this entry.

Last listen: September 30, 2017

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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