Friday, July 13, 2018

Exsimio - Carbono 14. 2005 Chile

Chilean band Exsimio play in that style of guitar-centered, tightly played, aggressive instrumental rock that one can find in bands such as Philharmonie, Yang, or even some of Djam Karet’s work. And, by extension, the Court of King Fripp is what’s really behind this band’s mindset. Elements from Red to Discipline era KC can be picked up. Perhaps best of all is the psychedelic nature of the guitar solos, giving the overall proceedings an exotic and raw feel. Interesting to note that the tracks with Spanish narration remind me a bit of the Italians, somewhat like Latte e Miele or Pholas Dactylus in that way. All the same, the strict and narrow confines of the musical path chosen begins to become tiresome after awhile. Still a fine album, though the band said what they needed to say at the beginning. The rest was more of the same message.

Personal collection
CD: 2005 Mylodon

Last listen: November 25, 2017

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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