Sunday, October 8, 2017

Oresund Space Collective - Dead Man in Space. 2009 Denmark-Sweden

Dead Man in Space is Oresund Space Collective's 6th proper album. It is also their very first LP vinyl release. It's a significant trend, as the medium demands an editor to distill the very best parts. And while Oresund Space Collective certainly does do that anyway, this forces them to think a bit harder on what goes in and what stays out. OSC is a band that is a natural fit for vinyl, and it's not surprising to see they have continued this trend since (though they may release the album as a 3 LP set somewhat defeating this purpose anyway).

On the music front, Dead Man in Space is one of OSC's more coherent and focused releases - no surprise given the context provided above. Improvisational space rock jamming is still the name of the game, though here there's a bit of a jazzy bent in the rhythms and sounds. And I felt there were more poignant psychedelic guitar bursts than normal, giving the album just the bite it needs to be successful. If looking to start somewhere with OSC, Dead Man in Space is a good one to consider.

Ownership: LP: 2009 Kommun 2. Discogs and RYM have 2010 as the date of release, but the label clearly denotes the copyright as 2009. Perhaps it didn't hit the shelves until 2010, this I cannot say.

There's a CD version of the album (with different artwork), and it's about 20 minutes longer (of course it is), so much of what I said above probably doesn't apply to that version.

3/14/11; 10/7/17 (new entry)

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