Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hidria Spacefolk - Symetria. 2007 Finland

Symetria shows Hidria Spacefolk cutting back on the edgy complexity of their first two albums, while adding more of a steady post-rock sensibility. These changes are somewhat understated, so it's more like a trimming of the hedges, rather than a replanting of another bush. The title track and 'Futrur Ixiom' demonstrate quite well this movement to the center. Gone are the high powered psychedelic sequences and ripping guitar solos, and its place is a more staid melodic and atmospheric approach. That's not to say the band has moved away from mid-tune meter shifts, it's just a bit more toned down. '322' seems inspired by the stoner metal movement, as no doubt the band performs live with many acts that represent that genre. However they do manage to avoid the standard trappings of stoner rock (slabs of metal guitar distortion, raw drunken vocals, etc...), and instead inflect the typical Hidria Spacefolk treatment, that as a bonus inserts midstream a cool funky rock sequence complete with horns. 'Flora/Fauna' is a new twist for the band, calling out their Scandinavian heritage - in this case the region's penchant to produce a type of [i]rural rock[/i], a favorite style of nearby Denmark, especially in the early 1970s. To be honest, at this point of the album, Symetria is a bit of a disappointment. However, Hidria Spacefolk saves the best for last, and the last two tracks, totaling close to 20 minutes recall the superiority of Symbosis and Balansia. All the same, I hear this album a full star less than its predecessors, though still quite excellent obviously. It's probably no surprise that Hidria Spacefolk decided to break at this point, probably realizing they were beginning to hit a rut. Fortunately they reconvened in 2012 for a new album.

Ownership: CD: 2007 Next Big Thing

2007; 11/13/12 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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