Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dungen - Allas Sak. 2015 Sweden

After a 5 year break, we receive Dungen's 7th studio album, though if we're to use their numbering system, I suspect they would say it's their 6th (witness album called 4). No matter as Dungen continue with their brand of Swedish psychedelic progressive... pop. The latter perhaps a bit more pronounced this time, especially on the opening trio of tracks. I still can't get over just how popular Dungen are (including a guest appearance on prime time USA late night TV). Me and about 20 other people from Sweden have a full collection of this kind of Swedish psych from 1970-1974, sung in the native tongue. Not a single album anyone would ever have heard of today. Speaking of which, it took me 10 years to figure this out, but now I know precisely where Gustav Ejstes got his main ideas from. If you're a big fan of Dungen, then you should make an effort to hear this album Till dej, one I assure you Gustav has framed on his wall at home.

As mentioned, there is quite a bit more pop this time around than prior, though there is plenty for the more adventurous listener to dig their teeth into. 'Franks Kaktus' is an absolutely stunning instrumental and among Dungen's finest compositions to date. 'En gång om året' is the mournful downer Scandinavian psych that is Dungen's signature sound. 'Åkt dit' gives us the requisite mellotron drenched sound we so crave. 'En dag på sjön' reminds us just how popular Santana's fusion era was in Sweden in the early 70s (think the live Lotus album here). 'Sova''s attempt at a psychedelic ending is admirable, though ultimately boring, and the fast forward button was looked at. More than once.

Personal collection
CD: 2015 Mexican Summer (USA)

11/3/15 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...