Friday, February 10, 2017

Purson - Desire's Magic Theatre. 2016 England

Purson’s second album, like spiritual sisters’ Blood Ceremony, finds the band going further back in time from their prior album. So if The Circle and the Blue Door was their recreating of 1971, then Desire’s Magic Theatre is their homage to 1969. This is a rather straightforward psych album, where the progressive rock influences are becoming more rubbed out. That’s not to say the album is without thought or merit – far from it – in fact had it come out in 1969, it would be hailed as a period semi-masterpiece. Rosalie Cunningham is obviously gaining confidence, and this is her band, no more questions asked. Their sound still fits squarely into my Post psychedelic, proto progressive with female vocals list – though this time they border outright Jefferson Airplane/Savage Rose-like psychedelia at times. ‘Electric Landlady’ is not only a funny title, but it is indeed Hendrixian. And while I do like the album, I would hope for some more creativity the next go ‘round. This one plays it too safe, and the songs aren’t memorable enough to sustain interest over repeated listens. Purson certainly have the potential for better.

2/10/17 (new entry); 6/25/22 (removed from collection)

1 comment:

  1. I was disappointed in comparison to the much promised debut and decided not to buy. I had expectations to see them follow the Room, Fusion Orchestra etc. path...


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