Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bandhada - s/t. 1984 Chile (archival)

Very much in the Gotic school of Mediterranean influenced jazz rock. Flute is the predominant melody instrument, as if Jeremy Steig played in a late 70’s Spanish progressive rock band. Or one from Quebec. Great songwriting throughout, only drawbacks being the use of early 80’s synthesizers and electric drums. If only this had Moog and Fender Rhodes instead of Yamaha’s, this would be a slam dunk classic**. The two live tracks have a rawer quality in the instrumentation, which is especially nice to hear considering the guitar department.

** - Ah, what the hell... Despite this potential shortcoming - it's still a classic.

Personal collection
CD: 2004 Mylodon

After doing some research, I don't believe there is an original LP of this title. It appears this is an archival release. The online discographies still mention the existence of the LP, but I couldn't evidence of that.

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