Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Logos - L'Enigma della Vita. 2014 Italy

Logos are a seasoned band from the northern Italian town of Verona, who bring forth an intriguing mix of progressive rock styles from the past. Those coming to this album hoping for a 70's styled sound, however, will most certainly leave disappointed. Even the supposed "vintage" sounds of the mellotron and organ are emulated, or certainly sound that way.

None of which deters this writer in the slightest. Logos seem more like a band of the 90s, that next generation of exciting Italian groups that blended the classics with a more modern sound. From a composition perspective, Logos certainly do look back further to the golden age.

The first impression you'll hear is one of mid 70's Pink Floyd, that peculiar deliberate and methodical songcraft, mixed with heavy spatial atmospheres. It isn't until 'In Fuga', that Logos demonstrate their Italian heritage (beyond the language of course). And the followup track 'Alla fine dell'ultimo capitolo' is where it becomes apparent that Logos came of age during the 90s. In particular I hear the influence of Consorzio Acqua Potabile coming through here. And the third ingredient is a healthy dose of space rock jamming, which provides that spicy kick to take off the implied rigidness. When Logos mixes their ingredients just right, the results can be divine.

One track that will certainly raise your head from your smart phone is 'In Principio', a title that holds a clue. Indeed there is a noticeable pastoral flavor here, reminding one of - yes - Celeste. Midway through there's a splendid space rock jam, as if Sensations' Fix walked into the studio with a bag of psychedelics. I've never heard anyone mix these two styles so splendidly.

On the other hand, L'enigma della vita can drag on occasion, and the rhythms can often be more perfunctory than creative. Personally I found the vocal style to be very good, perhaps not to the standard that Italian prog often brings forth, but if from any other country, Logos would fly high.

There's an enormous amount of music here to absorb, and given that much of it requires one's full attention, the relistenability factor is high. I was torn between 3.5 and 4.0 here (Gnosis 10/11), but given my predilection for the style, I'm staying with the higher score.

Ownership: CD: 2014 Andromeda Relix

12/27/16 (new entry)

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