Saturday, December 31, 2016

UMR changes for 2017

Pardon the mad dash to the finish line here. I'm not even close to finishing up 2016, but I need to call it here for this year. Clearly I had my best year in writing reviews (most of which sit on RYM), and as I was reviewing my daily journal, it became increasingly apparent that what I was trying to accomplish on Under the Radar was not sustainable considering my current employment role. I'm caught up to June basically (yes, June....), with a few important releases that I'd rather highlight once a day, rather than in a bundle.  UTR will remain and have a specific purpose. You can read about that over there.

So starting this week, as you probably already noticed, I have decided that Unencumbered Music Reviews will be my blog for all reviews, regardless of the era. So with those shackles off, you will begin to see many more contemporary releases sprinkled in. Many of them were not published yet because of the logjam I had over on UTR (plus the backlog I have here). It will take me some time to move the existing reviews over from Under the Radar and I have no intention of making that a dedicated project. It will evolve slowly - perhaps taking more than a year to accomplish.

The purpose of this blog is now two-fold: 1) Act as a buying guide for my fellow collectors. And 2) a place for me to document my personal collection (perhaps adding more color to what is already in Gnosis, RYM, and Discogs).

With any luck at all, I'll start off 2017 getting a few more in, and then starting this Monday afternoon, my current job will likely be all encompassing for most of the year. Look for regular updates on Saturdays and Sunday mornings though! And perhaps an occasional weekday morning. We'll wrap up 2016, as well as report on all new listens in 2017. New reissues will be promoted to the top of the list, and then back to the journal entries.

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

   Allied Forces (1981) OK, now we're getting to the heart of the matter. I would say their four albums from 1977 to 1981 are where I...