Saturday, January 7, 2017

Slychosis - s/t. 2006 USA

Perhaps the first progressive rock group to hail from Mississippi, Slychosis demonstrates a studious overview of the bigger name UK and Canadian groups. The band calls out as influences the usual suspects like The Beatles, Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, ELP, Alan Parsons Project and Rush. It’s the latter group that holds the original grasp, starting right off with a Neil Peart-like narration and a hard rock meets progressive follow through. Genesis (or Marillion) and Yes are the early album targets. But fortunately it changes drastically from there. Despite a somewhat generic outlook, Slychosis figured out that the mellotron and organ are cool sounding instruments (even if both appear sampled). But, perhaps even more amazing, is the band has truly carved out a unique sound despite the predictable boundaries. Whether it was intentional or not, Slychosis have tapped into some of the more admirable qualities of space rock. Weird interludes, exotic sampled instruments (e.g. sitar), alien voices, etc... Certainly at least one or two Hawkwind albums made an impression. Also, additional points for the copious use of acoustic guitar. And metal-phobes will like the electric guitar tones utilized here (especially some delicious psych-o-delic soloing on ‘Meltdown’). Not a weak track on the album. They managed to avoid throwing in the requisite pop track, their restraint is to be admired. A very good album and a band that can only get better, especially if they focus on their creative instrumental side.

Personal collection
CD: 2006 private

I added this CD to Discogs awhile back, and I'm still the only owner. LOL. There are 6 who claim CD ownership on RYM. So yes, I guess it's very obscure. The band is still active.

Last listen: July 24, 2016

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