Sunday, December 21, 2014

Radio Massacre International - Frozen North. 1995 England

It all starts here for Radio Massacre International (RMI). That most creative English band that almost single-handedly brought back the Berlin School trio format back to prominence. All three perform on a raft full of analog keyboard equipment (yes, of course, mellotron, Moog's, etc...), while one doubles up on electric guitar. Sound familiar? Sure it does. So if you're looking for about 20 more quality albums from the glory days of Tangerine Dream's "Virgin Baumann years", well do I have good news for you! Not that RMI was content to just sit in that same zone, as many of their albums followed other trends of German Kosmische, but primarily RMI were all about sequencer and atmospheric mid to late 70s Tangerine Dream. And the double CD Frozen North is the perfect place to start (if you can find it that is - I bought mine not long from its release date). We are talking 2 hours and 15 minutes of Encore meets Rubycon era Tangerine Dream. Not a mere copy, but yet a completely unique take on a classic sound. To say it is essential for fans of Berlin School elektronik music would almost be understating the matter.

Ownership: CD: 1995 Centaur

12/21/14 (new entry)

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UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...