Wednesday, December 24, 2014

IQ - Dark Matter. 2004 England

IQ were always a band of the 1980s with a compositional structure that points to the '70s. With Dark Matter they finally look backward in time and marry their instrumental side with their writing style. Martin Orford will never be accused of obsequious loyalty to the analog beasts of yore, but at least here he is willing to give the heavy wood pieces a bit more attention than prior. And even if they're not authentic 1971 ware, at least the effort was made to sound as such. As with The Seventh House, the days of penning pop hits are long in the rear view mirror. This is all-in progressive rock. Dark toned opener 'Sacred Sound' recalls the brilliant 'Widow's Peak' - but with an organ dirge in the middle. 'You Never Will' possesses some fine heavy bass and synthesizer. And 'Born Brilliant' brings back the old mid-80s IQ anthem-styled stomper. The much ballyhooed 24 minute+ 'Harvest of Souls' includes a dynamic and rocking Yes-like mid section similar to the glory days of Relayer. On initial impact, I was certain that Dark Matter was an improvement on The Seventh House, but while taking in all the IQ albums in succession, I'm more of a mind now that they are of similar quality. One represents the 80s IQ, while the other gives us a peek at a potential look back in time. Both are excellent and essential.

Ownership CD: 2004 Inside Out

12/24/14 (new entry)

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UMR update

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