Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Circles - s/t. 1983 Germany

What drew me to the debut by Circles is it isn't some sort of ordinary 80s electronik album. For one, there are few sequencers and zero Moog solos. And it certainly isn't "minimal synth". No - rather Circles seems to have channeled their inner Can, especially their instrumental years around 1974 and 1975 - that happened to be documented many years after these recordings via The Peel Sessions (and my personal favorite era of the band). Lots of psychedelic guitars, psychotic echoed vocals, flute, sax, trumpet, and even some steady metronomic drums (perhaps almost too rock oriented compared to the ultra disciplined Can). Some of the spacier moments recall Cluster's II album. It's amazing to me how well Circles' debut album captures the early 1970s Krautrock spirit. There's absolutely nothing Eighties about it.

Personal collection
CD: 2016 Mental Experience (Spain)

The CD reissue is taken from vinyl (masters are gone), but remastered nicely by Alan Freeman (Ultima Thule) and includes his full liner notes as well. An excellent reissue.

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