Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mad Curry ~ Belgium

Mad Curry (1971)

Mad Curry is a superb early jazz infused progressive rock album with organ, electric saxophone, and witchy female vocals that is distinctly European, and of that era. Earth and Fire, Sandrose, Julian's Treatment, Fusion Orchestra, and Circus 2000 are all good reference points here. Fellow Belgian band Shampoo as well, more so with the jazzy disposition. 'Music, The Reason of Our Happiness' is just flat out one of the all-time great progressive jazz rock tracks.

Ownership: 1971 Pirate's (LP). Housed in an extraordinary poster cover. 

Still no CD reissue as I update this on 2/21/25.

1996 (first listen); 7/19/09 (review); 3/4/14 (new entry)


  1. OK, let me get this right: they decide on this massive poster cover giving them lots of space for some truly stunning artwork, but instead what we get is a bunch of pictures of hairy blokes? Small wonder this isn't trading for huge sums :-)

  2. LOL!. Well there is one cute girl in there, but it's not obvious from the photo.... :-)

  3. might be worth pointing out that Shampoo isn't just a reference point, but basically a sister band to Mad Curry, partly featuring the same personnel. pretty sure you're perfectly aware of it, but it's not exactly clear from the write-up, so I thought I'd chime in just in case!

    1. That's a great point Lev. Thanks for pointing that out!!

  4. One of the songs from the Shampoo album also appears slightly reworked on this one, too.

  5. Having never owned an original copy (despite having lived in Belgium for some years) I cannot comment on the excessive bass of the reissue. From a needle drop CDR I owned, the Wah Wah sounds more bass heavy but not that unpleasantly as to deter the listening pleasure. The real problem is with the single (of which I own an original). There the bass is oversaturrated.


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