Friday, March 7, 2014

Friendsound (Friend Sound). 1969 USA-California

Great experimental psych weirdness from a group that evolved out of Paul Revere and The Raiders. Truly cutting edge for the late 1960s. The kind of album that I'm sure record executives today hold out as an example of Huge Mistakes from the Past. First 10 minutes are an awesome display of psychedelic rock, and the last 25 minutes go waaay the hell out there into druggy la-la land. I'm not sure who was more stoned: The band or the label? File alongside other late 1960s pioneers like Fifty Foot Hose and Silver Apples. Excellent.

Ownership: LP: 1969 RCA. Single sleeve with liner notes on the back. I first heard about this album via Audion magazine and then bought a mint one immediately for all of about $10 (1989). And I continue to own that copy.

CD: 2014 Real Gone w/Brotherhood (1968) and Brotherhood Brotherhood (1969). I think the main purpose of this reissue is for the two post-Paul Revere & The Raiders Brotherhood psych albums, and they threw in Friend Sound as a bonus. Works for me! The first Brotherhood album is decent psych, and the second is more commercial. I wouldn't buy them on their own, but they make a nice supplement. Regarding the band name, here's what I said in the CDRWL: "And if we look carefully at the label description, we'll notice the band is known as Friend Sound - two words. The original LP gives us a mixed message on that front. The spine is two words, but everywhere else (label, back liner notes, track titles) indicate it is one word. So it appears there will need to be some discography adjustments applied on the various sites out there." This is a fantastic reissue, BTW. Great liner notes with participation of the band, photos, and great sound. Don't miss this one.

1989; 3/7/14 (new entry)

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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