Friday, September 13, 2013

Horrific Child - L'étrange Monsieur Whinster. 1976 France

Where would the music world be without Jean-Pierre Massiera? It certainly would be a more dull place without him, that's for sure. Everything he was involved with can only be described as obscure. And now he's the undisputed king of the 1970's Euro oddball rarities chase. And of all the albums he was involved with, Horrific Child remains his most sought after, and arguably most eccentric release ever. The musical realization of a Psychotronic B-Movie classic. If this were a movie, it would be on at 3:00 in the morning, on your cities' last remaining UHF local station. In short, L'Etrange Mr. Whinster defines J.P. Massiera's niche in life.

LP: 2010 Finders Keepers (UK)

This is one of those albums I had this album on my CD Reissue Wish List for as long as the list existed. Finally in 2010, the excellent Finders Keepers label (who also reissued the very fine Jean-Claude Vannier album) came through with both an LP and CD. With a cover like that, I went straight for the LP reissue - which is housed in a nice rough paper cover. Comes with complete liner notes as well.


  1. Hi, Tom:

    Unfortunately, I went for the cd instead, thinking that getting the upgraded sonics for Massiera's masterpiece was the smart move.

    I should have followed your lead: the cd is vinyl-sourced!

    Unacknowledged vinyl sourcing is fast becoming my greatest niche label pet peeve, as doing the lp/cd reissue shuffle becomes a lot easier if you know--going in--that a given reissue is sourced from a record.


    1. Hi Eric,

      I have to agree. They should fully disclose the source. I'm trying to pay more attention to that, especially as I've moved most of my listening to headphones in the last couple of years. This was an older review before I did that (probably not long before either).

      I think you've convinced me to avoid the CD altogether though. Hopefully the LP is still available and you can sell the CD.

      Thanks for the comment!

      - Tom


Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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