Sunday, March 14, 2010

Madrugada. 1974 Italy

Madrugada's debut album is a diverse mix of styles. On Side 1 the album opens with a light instrumental, which is then followed by some rather straightforward singer songwriter material - and quite off-putting and dull at that. Side 2 is far more expressive with elaborate jazzy progressive rock compositions, including some wonderful Moog runs. Of course, it’s the latter half that holds my interest. This is a quintessential Italian sounding album, so if you’re a fan of all that might encompass, you’ll want to hear it for sure. Otherwise, this obviously isn’t the perfect place to start.

Yours truly did the "adaptation" on the 2006 AMS CD (mini-LP format). Basically I translated the translation. On this one, it is credited to my friend Jim Hresko, but it was me who did the work this time - and the label basically f'ed up, and they apologized to me. Whatever. I did my best, but it was very difficult material to work with, so not sure I'm too upset about not getting the credit. Speaking of f'ed up, the mastering is very poor - and the LP used was not the best quality. At the end of the day, I decided to sell this one


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