Monday, March 22, 2010

Made in Germany - s/t. 1971 Germany

Made in Germany are yet another example of the many great female vocal lead proto progressive albums coming from Europe during the 1971 era. Sometimes panned as a "pop" album that hasn't "aged well", there are truly only scant examples of that to be found here (opening tracks on each side are pure plays for pop stardom). Anyone familiar with the continental European scene of this time, will instantly recognize the Berlin based Made in Germany as a prototypical adventurous band for their time. Listen for organ, flute, acid guitar and the husky female vocals that are all associated with the genre. Joy Unlimited would have to be considered Made in Germany's closest comparison.

CD: 2002 Long Hair

A year after this release, Metronome launched the Brain label, and that's most certainly where Made in Germany would have been placed had they still been around. The CD is a typically great Long Hair reissue, with unique liner notes, photos and many bonus tracks. The bonus tracks do show the band going into an entirely pop direction and are of iffy quality.

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UMR update

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