Saturday, February 13, 2010

Il Balletto di Bronzo - Sirio 2222. 1970 Italy

You won't find many people out there that tout Sirio 2222 as Il Balletto di Bronzo's best album. And I'm certainly no different. See Il Balletto di Bronzo, once upon a time, released one of those once-in-a-lifetime masterpieces called Ys. Of course we'll feature it at some point, but for the one person who may be reading this and does not know about Ys, just buy it. But my random number generator picked Sirio 2222, so we'll be consistent and plug along.

As in everyday life, there are contrarians everywhere, and so it should not come as any surprise there are a few that state Sirio 2222 is much better than the overrated Ys. Fine. "Ya gonna think what ya gonna think so no point on a changin' yo mind."

Now, having said all of that, Sirio 2222 is a swell album of Italian psych, with elements of progressive rock beginning to seep in. 1970 is very early for an Italian band, and the famous Italian progressive movement was about a year away. Sirio 2222 offers some fine guitar work, good melodies, and a few places of imagination. But it doesn't give any indication of where they were headed next.

Ownership: LP: 2014 Lion (USA). Single sleeve. Recent online acquisition (2020). Comes with lengthy liner notes, and is the definitive reissue. My first copy was also an LP reissue (originals were always a fortune) from RPM Records in Garland (1989), that I sold off years ago. Eventually I ended up with the Japanese papersleeve CD. The mini-LP is nice, but adds nothing new, so I let it go. 

1989; 4/2/07; 2/13/10 (new entry); 3/26/18


  1. wow, you found a copy at RPM? Randy was full of surprises! Records from this band were just lying around everywhere in DFW for ypu to find!

    1. Haha - yea, but it was the new reissue (at the time). Nothing too special.


UMR update

OK just a quick note here. I had to clean out my tape drawer which lead to some common group retrospectives. I expect to get back to regular...