Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy New Year!

I'm going to forward last year's HNY note, and here's what you can expect for 2025:

We now enter our 17th year of UMR. Last year I hinted at retirement. As the year went on, I felt confident I was going to go one more year through 2025. And then in November it looked like I was facing a whole year of drudgery. Financially it wasn't making any sense for me to keep working, and why was I torturing myself? So I pulled the trigger! I'll be officially retired on January 10. It's surreal. But I've been wanting to retire early for so long it seemed I was going to wait until regular age. But I did it at 60. Barring some sort of catastrophe, my wife and I should be set. Purple Peak Records and all the hobbies surrounding that (and other hobbies) will keep me busy. And fortunately PPR just funds my music habit and nothing else. I did have a good career - thank God for that.

So let's dig into The World of Genius Hans shall we?

Introducing... The 45 Revolution. A new year means a new blog! Haha. I was never comfortable with 45s being part of UMR. Maybe some of the journal activity for common 45s, but all these obscurities needed a new home. To be honest, I don't plan on collecting tons of 45s in physical format. Of course I'm out there digging in the wilds, but most of what I find is what everyone else finds - junk. But I do plan on spending more time listening to rare 45s online, and I'll be publishing my findings there. A great substitute for all the meetings I used to have to endure lol. I also have many titles that I never added to UMR. There will be some crossover with the Unknown Vinyl Blog, but The 45 Revolution (so clever Hans, so clever) will only cover genres I'm into, so no Country & Western for example...

Unencumbered Music Reviews: This remains my primary blog and readership is solid. I'm determined to make this blog about albums that I own - or used to own. I've been transferring some reviews out of here because of that. With the advent of the journals, there's been less posting activity, though no less writing. That probably will continue, though I still want to document everything in my collection with a feature (eventually). At least the more obscure and rare pieces. I do plan on publishing journals on a more frequent basis, looking at 10 reviews per posting.

Unknown Vinyl Records: Now in its 6th year. New discoveries continue to diminish, though I'm hoping my free time will help me uncover some more unknowns again. Seems a lot of folks caught onto my jam, and are doing the same thing. There's a local seller / friend who just moved here that is doing the same thing as me. I encourage you to read last year's entry below for more info about this blog. 

Under the Radar: Last year I stated: "I primarily focused on "new" bands from the 2010's past (the original UTR as it were). But this year I plan to expand the group list greatly with contemporary progressive rock bands, as time allows. There are so many new groups out there that need exposure anyplace they can get it." Well... I only researched and listened to a precious few. And my to-discover list continues to grow exponentially. But again, time was my enemy. I have every intention of being disciplined around newer contemporary artists for 2025. Expect a lot more activity here.

CD Reissue Wish List: The big news here is the CDRWL is back! I haven't made any formal announcements because I'm still cleaning it up. And I have a long ways to go on that front. Eventually, though, it will be my place to document obscurities that I don't own (and some that I do). I've built up a huge backlog since 2015, the year I shut it down. And my research list is enormous. Expect a ton of activity here for 2025! Take a peek now though. It has a new look, and many entries have been updated. It may not really be a CD reissue wish list anymore, but I'm keeping it because of the brand recognition. I should call it something else. I might.

Purple Peak Records: Going into its 10th year, it's the business wing of my hobby. A self funding ecosystem as it were. This year I plan on selling at both Colorado Springs Record shows, while maintaining a couple of bin rows over at What's Left. There's another friend in town who is thinking of opening up a shop (he would be the most knowledgeable of them all), so I may sell a few things there as well. I also have many other CDs, LP,s 45s, cassettes, 8 tracks, etc on Discogs. I did sell some music on ebay this year, with good results, though it's very limited as to what I offer there. Today ebay is where I sell other items I find like games, VHS tapes, toys, etc... All part of the Purple Peak Records umbrella. I have made a concentrated effort to downsize my collection, and that will continue for the next 20 years, if all goes according to plan.

Instagram: I limited my show-off instincts this year. Some of the guys out there, though, have extraordinary collections that have added to my research lists. I'm going to make more of an effort to share obscurities as well. I'd like to include CDs too, though interest levels, at least on Instagram, remain low. That's too bad.

RYM: This social media site is where Genius Hans goes the most public. I have a very good following, and I do enjoy contributing everywhere I can. It's also the best place to keep Lists. I've now been on that site for 15 years.

Gnosis: I think we all could see this coming. Gnosis was based on older technology and now that technology is no longer supported. It needs to be rebuilt and it's anybody's guess as to how long that will take, if it gets done at all. I haven't been in the inner circle since 2005, so other than a couple of internal updates, I don't know any more than you do. I hope we can get the data out there again. 

Talkies Are a Fad: I'm bagging this for now. I do sense it will make a comeback, but I need to give it focus. Too much else going on.

And yes, I still have the restaurant and beer blogs. The former should continue strong and the latter has slowed down considerably.

Let's hope for a great year!


We now enter our 16th year of UMR. I was able to maintain consistency throughout most of the year, with work being the primary blocker to my music hobbies. I am considering retirement at any time now. Each year I will make a decision as to whether or not to continue. I have committed to working throughout 2024. Of course, maybe my company has a different plan and will dump me anyway lol. So far they seem to be happy with my work, so we'll see.

As for The World of Genius Hans, the projects of 2023 will remain in effect for 2024. Here's what the music forecast looks like:

Unencumbered Music Reviews: My flagship music blog. Essentially I have different intakes that make up the listening regimen. There's 1) New Arrivals - records (LPs and SPs), CDs, and cassettes acquired via thrift shops, record stores, estate and garage sales, trade shows, and online acquisitions. I'm beginning to realize the pandemic was the heyday of the thrift shop. 2021 was a goldmine for me. The last two years have been slim pickings. Seems there are so many people doing what I'm doing, and I have little time to seek. As for online purchases, that gets less every year, though I'm methodically (and very slowly) filling in some LP want list items that are still attainable. It's getting way tougher for me to buy new CDs - generally it has to be a well done reissue, a box set, or a great archival release. 2) The weed out project. CDs have been the focus for the last year, but LPs are now in play too. Considering the latter, I loaded up on commodities and just decided to keep some of them. But other than the hardcore nostalgic pickups, I'll be throwing those fish back in the sea. They sell well at the record shows, so I'll profit as well. As I say in these posts, I just have too much of the same type of music (and because of this, I may not track them here in UMR, since it's a repetitive theme). For whatever reason I was systematically buying CDs without really thinking through it much. Mostly the time period from 1998 through 2006 seems to be where my CD buying was the most undisciplined. As I hear each, I can understand why I kept them. But there's only so much time - and room. What's "most important to me" is what gets to stay. On that topic, 3) I'm also focusing on albums that are very important to me, but I haven't featured yet. I've also added back 4) Online research to my repertoire. 

Unknown Vinyl Records: Going into the 5th year of this blog, it's been nothing but a blast. Gives me something else to look for while digging deep in the shops and shows, and every once in awhile I meet some interesting people because of it. Most of what I find in the wilds is in the country field (though not always - I've found some great psych, funk, hard rock, jazz, and soul too). There is something special about these 1960s and early 70s era country singles. The sincerity of it all is alluring. Colorado used to be a hardcore country state, so finding them here isn't that unusual. Most of the seriously obscure ones I've kept. Because of this activity I've been able to contribute to Discogs many new entries. I've also started including cassettes here as well, given I've found a few unknowns in the last few years.

Under the Radar: The surprise return of UTR in 2023! Last year I primarily focused on "new" bands from the 2010's past (the original UTR as it were). But this year I plan to expand the group list greatly with contemporary progressive rock bands, as time allows. There are so many new groups out there that need exposure anyplace they can get it.

Purple Peak Records: Since launching in 2015, PPR had increased revenues and profits year over year (sounds like a quarterly earnings call lol). That was until last year where there was a noticeable downturn in online sales. However, JL and I had great success in Austin back in May. He sold most of his rarest pieces (some to me haha), so that was a one time event. I only sell locally here at the Colorado Springs Record Show, but do well every time (mostly LPs and SPs). In addition, I expanded PPR's presence at What's Left Records here in town and have a small section in their shop (LPs only). So if you're ever in the Springs, be sure to stop by and check out what we have there. Or send me a note, and I'll be sure to drive down and meet. Our Discogs store will continue as before with occasional eBay auctions and other Buy-It-Now's. I do not overlap sales, so each offers something different: Record show, What's Left, Discogs, and ebay. Discogs has the most inventory, as that's the primary place I sell CDs.

RYM, Gnosis, and Discogs: I meticulously maintain my ratings on the first two, and try to keep the collection details in order on Discogs and RYM. The master copies of my collection all reside on spreadsheets on my laptop. I also have a pile of lists on RYM, and at some point, I hope to create new ones. Working on a Hard Rock list now. 

Instagram: Started to photograph my LP collection - the non commodities. At some point I'll also feature obscure, but awesome, CDs. 

CD Reissue Wish List: The ancestor to all of my music blogs. I closed it down in 2015 for a variety of reasons and that was a good decision. I do however still maintain the older entries - either linking to new posts in UMR / RYM or updating that they have been reissued on CD. The news section of the CDRWL continues on at RYM.

Talkies Are a Fad. My new television and movie outlet. I needed somewhere to document my thoughts. I was using RYM, but it's only for movies, and I mainly watch "small screen" shows. And even on RYM I don't always feel comfortable sharing what I have to say. This will be a fast growing project. But it will accelerate further once I retire. Right now, my viewing hours are strictly while enjoying lunch during the work week. Anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on how my day is going. I've had blog-like ideas surrounding television shows going back to the late 90s. Just couldn't get around to it prior.

I also maintain a restaurant and beer blog, and the former had its best year in 2023 (it's also my oldest blog going back to 2008). And I have a newer blog that is "everything else" (I titled it in German meaning "Get it for Free"). Entirely irreverent. I just have interest in so many things... These are all under a different nom de plume and I keep separate from my music world.

And with that - all the best for hopefully a wonderful 2024!

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Triumph ~ Canada ~ Toronto, Ontario

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